
Your work-life balance is killing you

This is not yet another article where someone informs you that you need better balance in your life or you’re going to burnout and fall apart. We all know we have to have balance. We all know that the personal side of the stick tends to end up with more mud on it than the work side because the work side allows us to do all the personal things and keep roofs over our heads. […]

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How to Achieve Success When Working From Home

In an effort to help you transition with ease, we have put together a list of important things to take into consideration.  How to achieve success when working from home:  Set a routine and stick to it.  Include self care within your daily routine. Have appropriate boundaries. Try to achieve as close to your normal productive work environment as possible. Be task oriented. Take appropriate breaks. Ignore your phone unless it is for work purposes.  […]

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