
Your work-life balance is killing you

This is not yet another article where someone informs you that you need better balance in your life or you’re going to burnout and fall apart. We all know we have to have balance. We all know that the personal side of the stick tends to end up with more mud on it than the work side because the work side allows us to do all the personal things and keep roofs over our heads. […]

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We’re all in this together

Recently I received a kind email from a client and friend in the Postgres Community. It struck a chord because she had listened to my podcast, hosted by Beautiful Strength, which was about having chronic illnesses while traveling in a bus and working full time. Within the podcast, I reveal parts of myself that I don’t normally share with my team members, let alone with my clients. Until recently, I have kept my personal struggles pretty close […]

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How to Achieve Success When Working From Home

In an effort to help you transition with ease, we have put together a list of important things to take into consideration.  How to achieve success when working from home:  Set a routine and stick to it.  Include self care within your daily routine. Have appropriate boundaries. Try to achieve as close to your normal productive work environment as possible. Be task oriented. Take appropriate breaks. Ignore your phone unless it is for work purposes.  […]

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Keys to moving forward in your life and career – making the leap to uncomfortable

Finding the right path when trying to move forward with your career can be challenging. From the difficult subject of compensation increases, to knowing when you are ready to move up in a role, to refining the skill set you have; there are many stepping stones that have to be put in place in order to successfully move forward in your career. In this article series I provide tips as Senior Management for what I […]

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Keys to Moving Forward In Your Life and Career – Get Out of Your Own Way

Finding the right path when trying to move forward with your career can be challenging. From the difficult subject of compensation increases, to knowing when you are ready to move up in a role, to refining the skill set you have, to truly understanding what your boss expects of you; there are many stepping stones that have to be put in place and in the right sequence in order to successfully move forward in your […]

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