Coaching provides clients a safe, confidential space to reflect, reframe, and work toward a healthy lifestyle. We work one-on-one in a partnership effort to make incremental steps in the direction of the your choosing. It involves a series of questions and opportunities for you to reflect on your internal motivations, your *why*, and what really works for you (vs what you’ve been told will work for you). 

After an initial assessment of the areas of health, you will have a baseline of where you are and where you’d like to be. This sets you up for future growth. At the end of most sessions, you will have one or more action items for the following week(s) to get you one step closer to your goal. Then we meet to discuss what worked, what didn’t, and to celebrate the progress or key learnings we came away with, as well as setting our next steps. We adapt as we go to make this truly a one-of-a-kind experience that suits you and your needs.


  • Life Coaching. The difference between Life and Health Coaching can be demonstrated by Health Coaching’s focus on what works best for you, not what works for the coach. We emphasize your strengths and experiences, meeting you where you are at, instead of trying to achieve someone else’s version of success.
  • Therapy. Therapy focuses on the past whereas we focus on helping our clients build a healthy approach to life and wellness going forward.
  • A diagnostic session or an appointment with a doctor. We do not prescribe or diagnose. We can, however, work with you on suggestions made by your healthcare professionals. 
  • A “one size fits all” approach. All sessions are custom to you.
  • A magic pill that solves all of your problems. Change takes work and diligence, which is why so many of us avoid it. Luckily, we believe that working one-on-one with someone who has your best interest in mind can be a huge support when making those hard choices.

  • You are seeking a space to be your authentic self
  • You want to make progress
  • You feel stuck
  • You want a judgment free environment
  • You have things you should be doing for your health but haven’t been able to figure out the best way to move forward
  • You want someone to hold you accountable
  • You want to improve your relationship with your health
  • You know what works but need help fitting the pieces together

Health & wellness coaches support clients in activating internal strengths and external resources to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Health coaches use a client-centered approach wherein clients decide their goals, engage in self-discovery or active learning processes, and self-monitor behaviors to increase accountability, all within the context of an interpersonal relationship with a health coach. Whatever goal the client sets, the health coach ensures that they are supported until the desired outcome is achieved. Our board-certified coaches display an unconditional positive regard for their clients and have trained to the highest standards in the profession which means that they have the skills and knowledge to walk alongside you on your path to your healthiest self.